22 Mar 2023 Spring Cleaning Tips for Caregivers & Seniors
Refresh with the new spring season!
It’s officially spring! The new season is a great opportunity for caregivers and seniors to spruce up the house, so everything is cleaner, safer and clutter-free. This can be a daunting task though, especially on top of other caregiver responsibilities. So, we’ve put together a quick checklist to help you get started!
Start with safety:
Do a fresh assessment of possible hazards and risks that could harm your loved one. Are there any items that are too heavy or too high for your senior to reach? Are there areas of clutter that could cause your senior to trip and fall? Also, be sure to replace batteries on fire alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and any other applicable safety devices that your senior relies on. A good rule of thumb is to do this every time you reset your clock to “spring forward” or “fall back”.
Throw out expired items:
Run through the fridge, pantry, and medicine cabinet to check for expired food and prescriptions that can be discarded. Make sure that you also have a plan to help your senior replace and restock these items, so they have a nice and fresh inventory.
Wardrobe check:
Go through your senior’s closet and help them discard or donate any clothing items that are too worn out or don’t fit. Check socks and undergarments for holes and stains that might indicate a new set is needed. Also, ensure your senior has the right clothing for all four seasons. You can also ask your senior to help you organize clothing they simply don’t wear anymore to help reduce clutter.
Make this a fun team effort:
When you don’t know where to start, it helps to have more hands on deck. By involving your senior, you can also get their input on what to keep vs. toss. It’s important to remember that cleaning doesn’t have to be unenjoyable either. Play music, make a pitcher of refreshing lemonade, and leave plenty of time for breaks to chat and relax! If you’re going through sentimental items, spend time cherishing those memories with your senior and look for ways to showcase them in new ways throughout the house.